Chapbooks are a traditional art-form: small hand- or desktop-printed booklets bound, in this case with saddle-stitch. I recently made 20 of these on two different papers: Ilford Galerie 200GSM matte ‘Duo’ paper and Moab Entrada Rag, 190GSM. I printed them on an Epson large-format printer on A4 sheets that fold to make an A5 ‘signature’. The binding thread is a 3-fold waxed linen thread No.40 made by Lille in France.
But I’ve also made a PDF book of the same pages for wider distribution here.
The subject suggested itself when I was scanning through my image catalog: I saw that I had a bunch of images from my 2018 visit to Rome that formed a small ‘set’. I’ve used only one of these before: a shot of the interior of the dome of the Pantheon. But the rest were taken around the same time — including the one non-Roman photo, of the Temple of Harmonia at Agrigentum in Sicily.
As usual, please click here, or on the image of page-thumbnails below, to download the PDF file (about 19MB). Please view the images full screen on your computer or tablet to see them as I intended they should be seen. A couple are in ‘landscape’ mode to fit the page — your PDF viewer will allow you to rotate them (right) to see them right-way-up.
I hope you enjoy them. If you are interested in receiving a copy of the next chapbook I make of my images please email me at ‘peter' at this website.