This site
This is the latests of the several websites I have created over the past 30 years that I still maintain. The domains, and, now all redirect here.
The former sites have been archived at (MadBadDangerous, PeterGallagher) as of December 2021, and the contents saved to a PDF document (MBD, PG) that you may download and search.
My email addresses all re-direct to my Fastmail mail server. Whatever address you now use will continue to work for the present. You can reach me, too, at peter at this site or, if none of those works using the form below.
I don't believe you arrived here by accident. So likely you know who I am already. If it has been some time, I can tell you I am now a harmless retired person who is a student of Latin and antiquity, an amateur but not an artist of photography and a beginner pianist (in hiatus that I swear is temporary).
Thank you!