Old Quad
Melbourne University on Sunday Morning in January, 2025
The University was established in July 1854, just 3 years after the creation of the Colony of Victoria (by separation from New South Wales) and 3 years after the discovery of the large alluvial gold deposits at Ballarat that soon propelled the Colony to one of the wealthiest outposts of the British Empire. Its first Chancellor was Redmond Barry, a classics scholar and senior judge of the Colony who composed a text in Latin for the foundation stone describing the goals of the University:
The University was established in July 1854, just 3 years after the creation of the Colony of Victoria (by separation from New South Wales) and 3 years after the discovery of the large alluvial gold deposits at Ballarat that soon propelled the Colony to one of the wealthiest outposts of the British Empire. Its first Chancellor was Redmond Barry, a classics scholar and senior judge of the Colony who composed a text in Latin for the foundation stone describing the goals of the University:
"...ad adolescentes philosophia, literis pietate formandos, juventutis ingenium excoledum, artes fovedas, scientiae fines ampliandos..." (for establishing young men in philosophy, literature and piety, cultivating the talent of youth, fostering the arts [and] extending the bounds of knowledge)

Old Quad/Old Law School (built 1854, the year of the University's foundation)

School of Natural Philosophy (now Physics): I shall grow in esteem hereafter

Bank of NSW (facade). Originally in Collins St, Melbourne, it was moved to the University in 1932

Tom Bass "The Trial of Socrates", 1956

Teisutis Zikaras, 1958 Menorah ("Ornamental Balustrade")